Current Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsor
Chapman University School of Pharmacy
Bronze Sponsor

Dear Industry & Institution Partners,

On behalf of the Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV) and Related Agents Association, Inc., we invite your company or institution to partner with us and support the 27th International Workshop on Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV) and Related Agents, June 29 – July 2, 2025 at The Portofino Hotel & Marina, Redondo Beach, California, USA.

The Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV) & Related Agents Association is devoted to research related to KSHV, a cancer-causing herpesvirus, and related viruses. KSHV drives several malignancies or lymphoproliferative disorders, including Kaposi’s sarcoma, pleural effusion lymphoma, multicentric Castleman’s disease, and an inflammatory disorder, KSHV-inflammatory cytokine syndrome (KICS). These disorders are most common in those with HIV-AIDS or other forms of immunosuppression and therapies are limited. New and better approaches are needed for treating and preventing these disorders.

The major focus of the KSHV meeting is the biology of oncogenic herpesviruses and associated human diseases, with specific emphasis on viral pathogenesis, viral latency and reactivation, viral gene expression and replication, host responses to infection, epidemiology, vaccine development, therapeutic intervention, clinical and translational research. In addition to KSHV, studies related to herpesvirus saimiri (HVS), murine herpesvirus-68 (MHV-68), and rhesus rhadinovirus (RRV) will be presented.

The meeting encourages the presentation of data before publication to enable open discussion and feedback from a field of experts, in addition to fostering the development of scientists in training scientific communication skills. Networking opportunities will be structured for trainees to interact with senior faculty at academic institutions and scientists from industry and government. Senior scientist, clinicians and trainees at all levels are invited to participate and attend as well as attendees with knowledge and interests outside the KSHV community to bring perspective and instructive comparisons.

There will be a training workshop to engage both established researchers and trainees, clinicians, and basic researchers, to interact and develop collaborations on translational research projects. The 27th International Workshop on Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus and Related Agents will mark a new quarter century of research on KSHV since the discovery of this virus in 1994, a new century to engage clinicians and researchers in diverse populations and geographies. 

We are therefore looking forward to partnering with industry representatives to discuss the most recent developments, educate researchers on the various tools and technologies available, and foster collaborations between industry, academia and trainees, ultimately benefitting patients’ healthcare worldwide.

Local Organizing Committee:

·       Jennifer Totonchy, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, School of Pharmacy, Chapman University, Irvine, USA (CHAIR)

·       Yoshihiro Izumiya, DVM, PhD, Professor, Department of Dermatology, UC Davis School of Medicine, University of California Davis, USA

·       Subhash C. Verma, PhD, Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, Reno, USA

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Sponsor: $10,000 – Sponsorship Benefits would include:

  • Acknowledgement as a Platinum sponsor with a large logo in the Final Program & Abstract Book and Website intersession slides and signage at the meeting
  • Choice of Sponsorship recognition for support of one of the following:
    1. Sponsorship of the Welcome Reception at BALEENkitchen, the Portofino Hotel’s marina-side restaurant and lounge with scenic waterfront views and locally sourced cuisine.
    2. Sponsorship of the KiddieCorp full licensed, professional childcare program for accompanying children from six months through 12 years old. There will be a nominal fee for participants to insure the success of the program.
    3. Sponsorship of a 30 minute Industry Sponsored Session incorporated into the program
    4. Sponsorship of a three Student Travel Awards
  • Two complimentary registrations
  • Full page color inside cover ad in the Final Program & Abstract books
  • Optional – tabletop exhibit in the Exhibit Hall
  • Opportunity to participate in a training workshop to engage both established researchers and trainees, clinicians, and basic researchers, to interact and develop collaborations on translational research projects.

Gold Sponsor: $7,500 – Sponsorship Benefits would include:

  • Acknowledgement as a Gold sponsor with a large logo in the Final Program & Abstract Book and Website intersession slides and signage at the meeting
  • Sponsorship of a two Student Travel Awards
  • Two complimentary registrations
  • Full page ad in the Final Program &b Abstract books
  • Optional – tabletop exhibit in the Exhibit Hall
  • Opportunity to participate in a training workshop to engage both established researchers and trainees, clinicians, and basic researchers, to interact and develop collaborations on translational research projects.

Silver Sponsor: $5,000 – Sponsorship Benefits would include:

  • Acknowledgement as a Silver sponsor with a large logo in the Final Program & Abstract Book and Website intersession slides and signage at the meeting
  • One complimentary registration
  • Half page ad in the Final Program & Abstract books
  • Optional – tabletop exhibit in the Exhibit Hall
  • Opportunity to participate in a training workshop to engage both established researchers and trainees, clinicians, and basic researchers, to interact and develop collaborations on translational research projects.

Bronze Sponsor: $2,500 – Sponsorship Benefits would include:

  • Acknowledgement as a Bronze sponsor with a medium logo in the Final Program & Abstract Book and Website, intersession slides and signage at the meeting
  • One complimentary registration
  • Optional – tabletop exhibit in the Exhibit Hall
  • Opportunity to participate in a training workshop to engage both established researchers and trainees, clinicians, and basic researchers, to interact and develop collaborations on translational research projects

Tabletop Exhibitor: $2,000 – Exhibitor Benefits would include:

  • Acknowledgement as an Exhibitor with a small logo in the Final Program & Abstract Book and Website, intersession slides and signage at the meeting
  • Tabletop exhibit in the Exhibit Hall
  • One complimentary registrations

The program starts Saturday evening, June 29th with an opening Keynote and welcome reception. On Sunday morning we have the Grand Ballroom B available for set up of the tabletops, opening for the 10 AM coffee break on Sunday. Exhibits will be available for participants to visit beginning on Sunday evening, all day Monday and Tuesday and half a day on Wednesday, during the coffee breaks and evening poster session receptions, with all food and beverage served in the Exhibit room. Tear down of the tabletops will be from 11 AM – 1 PM on Wednesday.

Contact the Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV) and Related Agents Association, Inc.
Joan Oefner, Administrator & Conference Manager

2108 N. Street, Suite N
Sacramento, CA 95816 USA
Tel. +49 171-1049-181
E-mail: [email protected]

EIN number: 33-2073831

For More Information about the Society or its 27th Annual Meeting, please email Joan Oefner, Administrator & Conference Organizer

The Organising Committee gratefully acknowledges the support of our 2024 Partners and Supporters of the EBV-KSHV Joint Meeting in Boston:

Gold Sponsor

Other Sponsors

Tumour Virus Research Journal