Important Dates:
- April 30, 2021, Abstract Submission Deadline
- April 30, 2021, Early Bird Registration Deadline, registration fee increases
- Week of May 28, 2021, expect to email decisions regarding talk vs. poster presentation to all applicants
- May 28, 2021, Notify session chairs of decisions and send copies of abstracts for their sessions
- June 15, 2021, registration fees will not be refundable. Cancellations made before June 15 will be refunded less a $25 handling fee.
The KSHV conference has a historical precedent of not having keynote talks. Instead, we aim to provide the opportunity for trainees and PI’s to present their research as short oral presentations to strengthen the education and professional development of trainees, spanning graduate students, medical students, post-doctoral fellows and clinical fellows, as well as pre-tenured junior faculty; with added emphasis for those under represented in biomedical research or coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. Opportunities for networking and discussing unpublished data will be encouraged through unstructured time, poster sessions and networking events, enabling open discussion and feedback from a field of experts with the intention of fostering collaborations and advancements in the field in addition to fostering the development of scientific communication skills. Structured networking opportunities for trainees to interact with senior faculty at academic institutions and scientists from industry and government will be built into the program.
The regional organizing committee (ROC) and scientific advisory committee (SAC) will formulate an innovative and thematic format for the virtual meeting with the objective to bring together the numerous investigators who do research on oncogenic DNA viruses to foster new collaborations and ways of thinking about Kaposi’s sarcoma virus and to explore new therapeutic strategies for treating patients with ailments associated with this oncogenic virus.