KSHV Association Board of Directors:

Join the newly formed Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpesvirus (KSHV) and Related Agents Association, Inc., an international non-profit organization (501 c 3 application pending), established for the purpose of promoting research related to KSHV, a cancer-causing herpesvirus, and related viruses by bringing researchers together once a year to share developments leading to discovery of new and better approaches for treating and preventing malignancies or lymphoproliferative disorders, including Kaposi’s sarcoma, pleural effusion lymphoma, multicentric Castleman’s disease, and an inflammatory disorder, KSHV-inflammatory cytokine syndrome (KICS).
Save on registration! Join the KSHV Association during the registration process. All KSHV Association Membership dues include, access to the member directory for use in networking, membership discounts on registration for KSHV 2025 equal to the membership fee, and is a qualifying factor in serving on the board as an officer of the Society. Members are also encouraged to share their job openings and recent publications with the KSHV Association to have them shared via the Society’s Website and Social Networking sites. Student members can apply for KSHV 2025 Registration Waivers through the online abstract form, for presenting their work at KSHV 2025 in Redondo Beach.
$50 per year – Academic/Government/Postdoc Membership: shall be open to all persons who have obtained a professional degree (Ph.D., M.D., D.V.M., M.S. or equivalent experience), and are currently engaged in professional activities in academia or government institutions and/or teaching as postdoctoral associates, who share the stated purposes of the KSHV ASSOCIATION, to promote and stimulate the exchange of ideas, knowledge and research materials among research workers throughout the world who study the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), KSHV-related viruses and KSHV-associated diseases.
$20 per year – Student Membership: shall be open to all graduate, undergraduate, or post-baccalaureate students, who are enrolled in a full-time academic program in medicine or the physical or biological sciences in an educational institution.
$100 per year – Industry Membership: shall be open for industry employees who are directly involved in research, education, and/or corporate leadership, who share the stated purposes of the KSHV ASSOCIATION, to promote and stimulate the exchange of ideas, knowledge and research materials among research workers throughout the world who study the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), KSHV-related viruses and KSHV-associated diseases.
All dues are for one calendar year, January – December.