All Poster Presenters have been sent a Presentation Number which will be included in the final program and will be posted on the poster boards in the Morgan A-C Ballroom. All presenting authors of even number presentations should be at their posters during Monday’s poster session, presenters of odd number presentations should be at their posters during Tuesday’s poster session
Posters should be a maximum of 3’ (90 cm) wide X 4’ (121 cm) long.
We will have thumb tacks available onsite. Posters should be set up during the morning coffee break on Monday, July 1st and remain on the boards through the Poster Session 2 on Tuesday, July 2nd ending at 3:00 PM and should be removed promptly following the Tuesday afternoon poster session as the boards will be dismantled and removed beginning at 3:30 PM on Tuesday.
In addition to the 2 poster sessions, the posters will be available for viewing by participants during the coffee breaks, lunch and poster session on Monday and during the continental breakfast, morning coffee break and poster session on Tuesday.
The public program URL is:
Scientific presentations, posters, and written abstracts are confidential, unpublished research. Abstracts and findings should not be cited without express permission from the authors and a “personal communication” designation. Slides and posters should not be photographed without express permission from the authors.